Attack: Very Low
Life: Low
Speed: Very Fast
Horus was feared in Egyptian times as a dirty with a test for war. His life starts with 819 point .It was assumed this god had left in the fall of the Egyptian empire but he has now returned and taken physical from to regain his fearsome status in the mutants Arena. His speed is 8.33 He has two attack
1. Amun-Ra - 161 Damage > [At level 10 - 242 Damage]
1. Amun-Ra - 161 Damage > [At level 10 - 242 Damage]
2. Lake Stymphalia - 161 Damage > [At level 15 - 242 Damage]
Cross Breed:
Dracus Nobilis + Pit Lord
Cosmo Kong + C'thlig
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